Storage of items in security forces

For the storage of weapons and ammunition in law enforcement agencies, armory rooms are used. These are special rooms that meet numerous standards. The room for weapons storage must have capital bulletproof walls, floor and ceiling, armored and burglar-proof door, electrical alarm system, bars, etc.

Weapons and ammunition must be stored separately from each other in special safes and metal cabinets. Each weapon is assigned to a specific law enforcement officer and is issued against signature. The accounting and administration of weapons and ammunition is kept in a special book or journal, and the person responsible for this process is appointed a duty officer.

In addition, employees receive and hand over special active defense equipment - electroshock devices, hand gas grenades, rubber sticks, handcuffs, etc. All this is also stored in special rooms in sealed cabinets or on shelves and is strictly controlled by the officers on duty.

security personnel

To simplify the accounting and administration of weapons, ammunition and special means, you can use a modern and convenient way - ECOS electronic boxes. How do they work?

Advantages of ECOS intelligent systems

High security
of control
Integration with

Our storage rooms are made of high quality stainless steel. They can be floor or wall mounted with any number of cells - depending on the needs of the organization. Due to their versatility, storage rooms can be installed in any size gun room.

The advantages of our automatic systems include:

  1. 24-hour access to lockers;
  2. Maintain a database of employees with access to weapons and ammunition;
  3. Capturing all employee actions in the system;
  4. Issue weapons and ammunition only after identification in the system;
  5. Set the time of taking and handing over weapons and ammunition separately for each employee.

Authentication options

Employees can be authorized using biometric and conventional methods - by facial scanner and fingerprint or by pin code and magnetic card. Each employee is assigned a specific box, which eliminates the possibility of taking someone else's weapons or ammunition.

PIN code
Face ID
QR code

Key placement options

Without case
With case
In the cell

Employees can be authorized using biometric and conventional methods - by facial scanner and fingerprint or by pin code and magnetic card. Each employee is assigned a specific box, which eliminates the possibility of taking someone else's weapons or ammunition.

Special RFID tags designed for contactless reading can be applied to the weapon - they act as additional protection, because if they are damaged, the cell will be locked.

To increase security, video surveillance can be installed in the armory rooms above the holding cells. Recordings from the cameras will be transmitted to the same servers where the main information of the ECOS system is stored. The video surveillance is maintained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our system has two types - with conventional opening of the cells (ECOS Depot) and with automatic opening (ECOS Drawer). In the second variant, the items are taken out of the drawer without any effort on the part of a person - the drawer moves out and closes back on its own.

All this makes it possible to exclude the taking of weapons and ammunition by unauthorized persons or employees who are not authorized for these types of weapons, to strictly control the taking and handing over of weapons by time and to keep automated records without additional entries in books and logs. ECOS intelligent systems are a reliable assistant to any law enforcement unit.

Video of the Ecos intelligent object management system in action:

Receiving an item in the system

  1. Authentication of a user in the system
  2. Opening a cell
  3. Receiving an item
  4. Automatic closing of the cell
Video Preview

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    To calculate the price of the project, please fill out the form and our manager will contact you. 8 800 5555-108