Key storage in industrial plants
An industrial enterprise is a whole complex of structures. It includes production buildings, warehouses, energy facilities, etc. Any factory or plant has various shops where a large number of employees work.
In order to simplify the process of personnel entering and exiting the work shifts, turnstiles are installed at the entrance of an industrial enterprise. Access control systems (ACS) clearly record passers-by, helping, among other things, to keep track of personnel working hours.
In addition, large plants and factories have a large number of guests, whose visits must be coordinated with the management, as well as to record the stay of visitors by time. This task is also handled by the ACS.
Some facilities of an industrial enterprise have restricted access, e.g. substations, explosives storage rooms, etc. Entry to such premises is allowed only to a certain circle of persons approved by the management of the enterprise.
To prevent access to such facilities by unauthorized persons, the rules for issuing keys to the premises must be strictly observed. Usually keys are issued against signature to those employees of the plant who are entered in a special logbook. The responsible person is a duty officer who records the issuance and delivery of keys by the personnel.
But there are several disadvantages to this scheme because of the possible negligence of the duty officer or employee:
- Keys may be mixed up;
- The entry may not be logged in the logbook;
- Probably lost the key.
Another option, the most unfavorable, is that unscrupulous employees may conspire to make duplicate keys and remove the facility's tangible property or intentionally damage property inside the premises.
How do you mitigate the risks associated with human factors?
To administer keys for restricted access premises, you can use a modern and reliable way - intelligent systems from ECOS.
of control
Storing keys in electronic key boxes
The task of our electronic key systems - convenient storage and administration of keys to facilities and offices. But, unlike conventional key systems, our systems have a number of significant advantages:
- A database of employees who have access to certain rooms is entered into the system, thus preventing an outside person from taking the key;
- The system captures all employee actions in the system;
- The keypad can be accessed in one of four ways - by pin code, card, face scanner or fingerprint;
- Keys can be accessed at any time - the system operates 24/7;
- In the absence of electricity, the keypad locks the keys in the slots, which eliminates the possibility of unauthorized taking them in case of an emergency.
Authentication options
Key placement options
Our systems are set up in such a way that the key can only be picked up and handed over at certain times. This protects the company from unnecessary personnel actions. If necessary, video surveillance can be installed above the key boxes - a further step towards site security.
We offer a wide range of systems. They can be wall or floor mounted, single-sided or double-sided - it all depends on the size of the company and the task at hand. Key systems are made of high-quality stainless steel and are reinforced with a protective frame.
All key systems are equipped with a user-friendly touch screen. The intuitive interface is easy to use and will not cause any delays when taking or giving a key. The entire history of actions in the system is stored on special servers, information from which is available around the clock.
Video of Ecos intelligent key management system working at industrial enterprises:
Receiving a key in the system
- Authentication of a user in the system
- Opening the door
- Selecting a key to which a user has the access rights (LED backlighting)
- Receiving the key
- Closing the door
Return a key in the system
- Authentication of a user in the system
- Opening the door
- Returning the key (LED backlighting)
- Closing the door
ECOS intelligent systems are easy to use, securely stored and conveniently administered, which is especially important when using keys to rooms and facilities with restricted access.
Storage of keys in electronic cells
Not only key boxes but also automatic storage boxes are suitable for rooms with limited access. Closed lockers increase the security of key storage, because only the responsible employee can know about the presence or absence of the key - other members of the company will not be able to get this information and access to the locker.
In addition, safe deposit boxes are suitable for transferring important documents within an organization. For this purpose, the transferor and the recipient need to agree on a pin code to open the box and make the transfer on the appointed day. To track the transfer of documents, it is possible to use the system's records that record the opening and closing times of the box.